At Lime Juice Communications, our motto is to be KNOWers, not SHOW-ers. Not quite sure what that means? Here’s a classic example of KNOWer-VS-SHOW-erness. A SHOW-er is the guy who buys an expensive coffee table book with glossy pictures of South Africa’s marine life; a KNOWer is the bloke with the member’s ticket to the aquarium and a snorkel and pair of flippers in his boot. The first is the type of person who pretends they know what’s cooking, while the other person is out there living and breathing their passion. In essence, it’s about authenticity.

Here are a few reasons why, when it comes to your business’ web presence, you should always hire a KNOWer, not a SHOW-er:


The internet is not a static thing. It is constantly evolving along with the needs of its users, mainly due to the input of Google and the other hard-working search engines out there. As such, if you want your web presence to keep up with the times, you need to align yourself with a service provider who knows what’s up.

This requires constant evolvement on their part – they need to be at the forefront so they can tell you how to adapt your marketing strategy to remain relevant and attract those leads. What works today may not work tomorrow, so you need a web partner with the know-how and ambition to stay ahead of the curve.


Those flashy, smooth-talking fellas are very seldom the kind who will take your call after hours when your website is down and your emails are bouncing all over the place. That’s when you need a solid, reliable KNOWer on your team – a dependable web girl or guy who knows your site and systems, and cares enough about your business to untangle the issue.


KNOWers are all about building relationships; SHOW-ers seldom care about anything more than their own bottom-line. KNOWers also take immense pride in their work. They don’t simply rush from one project to the next. A KNOWer is a person who pours their heart into each and every project, and won’t rest until it’s a perfect fit for your business vision and mission. With one of these individuals on your team, you can rest assured that every ‘i’ will be dotted, and every ‘t’ will be crossed.

Please feel free to contact us for more information regarding our web design and online marketing services. We realise that you probably have a million questions, and we are happy to answer it all and assist you in tailoring a digital solution that suits your business needs to a T. So, get in touch and let’s get cracking!